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Can You Continue to Profit by Moore’s Law?

Rising manufacturing and design costs make it difficult to continue to profit at smaller geometries. 

How IC Firms can Profit in a Global Supply Chain?

It’s critical that your company understands where it adds or loses value in the IC cost chain.

New Rules for Profitability, Today’s Market Realities Require
New Models and Rules

You need to consider new rules for success in semiconductors like the profit and customer rule.

A Tale of Two Industries.

One out of five companies’ products makes it to market and one out of ten reaches volumes of one million units annually.  This is the consumer-like Silicon Era.

A Call for Innovation in Venture Investing

The domestic high-technology industry is in transition in large part because of global competition, slowing growth rates, and slowing IPO exits. 

How Rule 144a May Shape Venture Capital

Can Rule 144a shelf registration help start-ups as well be the predecessor to PIPEs and SPACs?

Consumer Behavior Infects the IC Market

You need to identify how you now create value, growth, and profit.

Is it Time to Re-Tool the Business Model? 

Two things are constant in the semiconductor industry – change and cycles.  So we’ve just exited the “nuclear winter” of cycles, so should you continue to hold onto Moore’s Law?

Au Revoir, System-on-Chip (SoC)

SoCs due to rising design and process cost coupled with lower end product price points require alternatives 

New Opportunity in the Value Chain

SATS firms have an unprecedented opportunity to capture new profit.


Profit DNA – Framework for Profitability

Understand where you are against stage of market and company development

Maven Marketing

Finding sales success by seeking the customer maven.

Consumer-Like Silicon Era – Value, Growth and Profit

Where does value reside today in IC markets – design vs. brand value. 

Capturing More (Moore’s) Value

Study into impact of consumer markets on IC design and time to market.

SiPs or SOC The Multi-Million Dollar Question

Analyst Panel, Charles DiLisio, D-Side Advisors, February, 19, 2003

Due Diligence – It’s More than Accounting and Legal Risks

How to avoid over paying on an acquisition and better integration.

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